Hello Everyone,
The Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic is heavily involved with the Toronto Nautical Festival, running this weekend (Friday, 20 June to Sunday). In addition to a fine display booth highlighting both the Museum and the town of Lunenburg, our boat builder is constructing a Lunenburg dory at the Festival.
The Province of Nova Scotia has also sent Lunenburg's fine ambassador, Bluenose II, to be the flagship of the event. The Province issued the following press release:
Nova Scotia's sailing ambassador, the world famous schoonerBluenose II, is sailing into Toronto, bringing with it the sights and sounds of Canada's seacoast province. The visit is part of the 2008 Nautical Festival at the Toronto Harbourfront Thursday, June 19 to Sunday, June 22. "We are thrilled to have Bluenose II at the Toronto Nautical Festival," said Bill Dooks, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Heritage. "While she was born in Nova Scotia, Bluenose II is a symbol of endurance and achievement for all Canadians and remains a wonderful ambassador for our province."
The event will feature a Nova Scotian pavilion, including a wide range of industry professionals demonstrating new products, sharing experiences and offering samples from Canada's seacoast province. It will also give the public an opportunity to stroll the deck of Bluenose II.
Popular entertainers, such as the Barra MacNeils, will perform at the festival, immersing Toronto residents in Nova Scotia's rich and lively music. Information about Nova Scotia as a travel destination will be featured at the Nautical Festival. Included will be an outline of air travel options available to those interested in visiting Nova Scotia from Toronto's Pearson International and City Centre airports.
The original Bluenose was launched from a shipyard in Lunenburg on March 26, 1921. Because of wins in the races of Grand Banks schooners between Canada and the U.S., the Bluenose became known as Queen of the North Atlantic. In 1963, the ship's replica, Bluenose II, was launched from the same shipyard, also built by many of the same men who worked on the original Bluenose.
If you're in Toronto this weekend, drop in an visit with our staff from the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic!
Wishing you Smooth Sailing,
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