Friday, November 14, 2008

The Navy and Lunenburg

One of the new research projects at the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic is taking a look at Lunenburg and its relationship with the navy. Over the centuries, our port has been known as a fine harbour for vessels, and representatives of various navies have stopped in, dropped anchor and visited with us.

When the Fisheries Exhibition and Reunion was at its peak, during the mid-1900s, there was always a "navy boat" in port for the week. Most often the vessel was from the Royal Canadian Navy, but sometimes there were vessels from the American fleet.

The heyday of the relationship between the navy and Lunenburg certainly falls within the time period of the Second World War. Vessel repair kept the Lunenburg Foundry busy and the town did its best to welcome the sailors.

After the War, naval vessels maintained the good relationship, often visiting port.
If you have any stories regarding the navy and Lunenburg, we would love to hear from you. Please contact me at .

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