Thursday, January 17, 2008

Knock three times

Hello Everyone,

No, the title isn't meant to be read as lines from an old song.

If anyone from Lunenburg and the surrounding area hears three knocks and there is no apparent source, it means only one thing: we've heard a forerunner.

Forerunners are never meant to be nasty or evil. They are warnings that someone we know, most often someone related to us, will die within three days of hearing the knocks. It's generally felt that this is to give us time to brace ourselves for the news of the loss.

There are stories of those who have been lost at sea who have come, in almost a ghostly apparition, to announce the news themselves. In many of these stories, the news of the loss of the fisherman is not confirmed for weeks. When the confirmation is received, it is revealed that the loss took place at almost the exact same time as the "forerunner".

While we don't pretend to know everything, there have been countless stories of forerunners in Lunenburg County, for many generations. Many of these stories conclude with confirmation of the passing of a loved one.

As Shakespeare once wrote, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Wishing you Smooth Sailing,

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